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KOHL Verlag Frieden und Freiheit

KOHL Verlag Frieden und Freiheit

In diesem Band sind die Songs "Wozu sind Kriege da?", "Freiheit" und "Imagine" für das Klassenmusizieren und einen fachübergreifenden Einsatz zusammengestellt. Die Songs haben durch die Kriegssituation in Europa eine kaum für möglich gehaltene

Versand 3,95€*

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Kohlhammer Pädagogik und Glück

Kohlhammer Pädagogik und Glück

The main thing is being happy? Anyone involved either theoretically or practically in the upbringing and education of young people is, even if only unconsciously, trying to make them happy. Accordingly, happiness was an obvious and explicit goal of

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Kohlhammer Menschen mit Querschnittlähmung

Kohlhammer Menschen mit Querschnittlähmung

When people who have paraplegia are allowed to talk about their own lives, lots of exciting, serious, funny and thought-provoking things come to light. You may sometimes remember only a few sentences of the stories they tell - but they are sentences

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Kohlhammer Philosophische Pädagogik

Kohlhammer Philosophische Pädagogik

Does the theoretician only solve problems that he himself invents and seek answers to questions nobody asks? In spite of such prejudices, students of pedagogy have to be introduced to the theoretical basics of their field of study. The work goes

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Kohlhammer Menschen mit Querschnittlähmung

Kohlhammer Menschen mit Querschnittlähmung

When people who have paraplegia are allowed to talk about their own lives, lots of exciting, serious, funny and thought-provoking things come to light. You may sometimes remember only a few sentences of the stories they tell - but they are sentences

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Kohlhammer Medienerziehung in der digitalen Welt

Kohlhammer Medienerziehung in der digitalen Welt

Starting from a basic view of education, this book provides nuanced insights into the different ways in which children are now growing up in an increasingly mediatized world, and into the ways in which children and young people currently deal with

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beltz verlag Only For Girls

beltz verlag Only For Girls

Liebe, Freundschaft, Schönheit, Sex - sachkundig, unterhaltsam und mit vielen O-Tönen von Jugendlichen gibt es hier Antwort auf Fragen, die Mädchen in der Pubertät bewegen.Mädchen wollen oft ganz andere Dinge wissen als Jungs: Bin ich schön

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scolix (AOL-Verlag) Matters of Friendship and Love

scolix (AOL-Verlag) Matters of Friendship and Love

“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” Was wäre die Welt ohne die wunderbaren Gefühle von Liebe und Freundschaft? Gerade für ältere Teenager ist dieser Themenkomplex brandaktuell und interessant, doch leider wird er in aktuellen

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Reinhardt Verlag Selective Mutism in Children

Reinhardt Verlag Selective Mutism in Children

Compact Basic KnowledgeWhy does the girl not speak in kindergarten? Why does the boy remain silent during school? Selectively mute children have the ability to speak, but choose not to use it in un-familiar situations or in communication with

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Persen Verlag Bullet Diary Spiralbindung- only Good

Persen Verlag Bullet Diary Spiralbindung- only Good

Das Spiralbindung Bullet Diary bringt Struktur in Ihren Alltag! Es ist ideal für diejenigen, die gerne organisieren und Termine planen. Ein Bullet Diary ist ein flexibles Planungssystem, das Ihnen hilft, Termine und Notizen zu verwalten. Sie

Versand 3,95€*

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Kohlhammer Pädagogik und Glück

Kohlhammer Pädagogik und Glück

The main thing is being happy? Anyone involved either theoretically or practically in the upbringing and education of young people is, even if only unconsciously, trying to make them happy. Accordingly, happiness was an obvious and explicit goal of

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Waxmann Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Challenges

Waxmann Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and ...

The increase in reported levels of stress and burnout in teachers across Europe highlights the importance of teachers' social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness (SEDA). The innovative conceptual overlap of social and emotional

Versand 3,95€*

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Reinhardt Verlag Selective Mutism in Children

Reinhardt Verlag Selective Mutism in Children

Compact Basic KnowledgeWhy does the girl not speak in kindergarten? Why does the boy remain silent during school? Selectively mute children have the ability to speak, but choose not to use it in unfamiliar situations or in communication with certain

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UTB Teaching Grammar

UTB Teaching Grammar

The book offers a concise introduction to the psychological and pedagogical foundations of teaching grammar in the foreign language classroom. The authors focus on topics of importance for students who have no extensive experience in teaching

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Kohlhammer Handlexikon Geistige Behinderung

Kohlhammer Handlexikon Geistige Behinderung

Work with people who have mental disabilities has been undergoing greater change in recent years than practically any other field in remedial and special needs teaching. As the ability of people with mental disability to learn and develop was

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KOHL Verlag Frieden und Freiheit

KOHL Verlag Frieden und Freiheit

In diesem Band sind die Songs "Wozu sind Kriege da?", "Freiheit" und "Imagine" für das Klassenmusizieren und einen fachübergreifenden Einsatz zusammengestellt. Die Songs haben durch die Kriegssituation in Europa eine kaum für möglich gehaltene

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Kohlhammer Philosophische Pädagogik

Kohlhammer Philosophische Pädagogik

Does the theoretician only solve problems that he himself invents and seek answers to questions nobody asks? In spite of such prejudices, students of pedagogy have to be introduced to the theoretical basics of their field of study. The work goes

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Kohlhammer Handlexikon Geistige Behinderung

Kohlhammer Handlexikon Geistige Behinderung

Work with people who have mental disabilities has been undergoing greater change in recent years than practically any other field in remedial and special needs teaching. As the ability of people with mental disability to learn and develop was

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hep verlag This Is My Story (E-Book)

hep verlag This Is My Story (E-Book)

This e-book contains high-resolution graphics and tables that can only be read on e-readers capable of enlarging images. (Auto-)biographical storytelling is the ideal vehicle for English language teaching (ELT) because learners identify with

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Kohlhammer Medienerziehung in der digitalen Welt

Kohlhammer Medienerziehung in der digitalen Welt

Starting from a basic view of education, this book provides nuanced insights into the different ways in which children are now growing up in an increasingly mediatized world, and into the ways in which children and young people currently deal with

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