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Schutzfolie Galaxy S20 Schutzfolie - Glas - Transparent

Schutzfolie Galaxy S20 Schutzfolie - Glas - Transparent
Back Market zum Angebot

Verkäufer: Back Market

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos

EAN: k. A.

Are you in love with your used cell phone? Then protect it like it was brand new with an original screen protector from SAFE. by PanzerGlassTM️. Then maybe one day you can pass it on to someone else who loves it just as much. This is the new cycle of mobile life. The longer we keep our devices alive, the more we defer the need to produce new devices, but hey... you already knew that. You just bought a refurbished phone. The safe. by PanzerGlassTM️ Screen Protector protects your like-new phone from dance floor disasters, smashed-screen selfies, and everyday fumbling, dropping, and screen shattering. The protection acts like a discreet airbag, absorbing shock and providing excellent scratch protection, without affecting the functionality and appearance of your phone. Or to put it bluntly: the level of protection is high... the price not so much. Installation is also very easy. One try is usually enough, and if you need more, don't worry: the screen protector can be reapplied up to 200 times. Once you've attached the glass, you'll never have to worry about your beloved phone falling on the floor again. It may not happen, but if it does, you'll regret not clicking "Add to Cart." The Ultra-Wide Fit screen protector covers the entire front of your phone while still leaving room for a case, providing a full and crystal clear view of your screen. The level of protection is high... the price not so much. Installation is also very easy. One try is usually enough, and if you need more, don't worry: the screen protector can be reapplied up to 200 times. Once you've attached the glass, you'll never have to worry about your beloved phone falling on the floor again. It may not happen, but if it does, you'll regret not clicking "Add to Cart." The Ultra-Wide Fit screen protector covers the entire front of your phone while still leaving room for a case, providing a full and crystal clear view of your screen. The level of protection is high... the price not so much. Installation is also very easy. One try is usually enough, and if you need more, don't worry: the screen protector can be reapplied up to 200 times. Once you've attached the glass, you'll never have to worry about your beloved phone falling on the floor again. It may not happen, but if it does, you'll regret not clicking "Add to Cart." The Ultra-Wide Fit screen protector covers the entire front of your phone while still leaving room for a case, providing a full and crystal clear view of your screen. The screen protector can be reapplied up to 200 times. Once you've attached the glass, you'll never have to worry about your beloved phone falling on the floor again. It may not happen, but if it does, you'll regret not clicking "Add to Cart." The Ultra-Wide Fit screen protector covers the entire front of your phone while still leaving room for a case, providing a full and crystal clear view of your screen. The screen protector can be reapplied up to 200 times. Once you've attached the glass, you'll never have to worry about your beloved phone falling on the floor again. It may not happen, but if it does, you'll regret not clicking "Add to Cart." The Ultra-Wide Fit screen protector covers the entire front of your phone while still leaving room for a case, providing a full and crystal clear view of your screen.
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