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SENNHEISER SoundProtex Plus

SENNHEISER SoundProtex Plus
Sennheiser zum Angebot

Verkäufer: Sennheiser

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos

EAN: k. A.

Ringing in your ears after a concert is not a good sign. But earplugs can make instruments sound muddled. SoundProtex hearing protection earplugs let you enjoy high-fidelity sound at a safer volume level, protecting your hearing health and 91584612692;;Sennheiser;23280;;0.00;4.1;7612904409310;75.00;Power tools, concerts, racetracks—lots of situations call for hearing protection. But standard earplugs can make everything sound muddled. With SoundProtex Plus multipurpose earplugs from Sennheiser reduce sound evenly across the frequency range with innovative two-stage filters. So you can protect your hearing while still enjoying good music or a conversation. SoundProtex Plus comes with strong (loud concerts, power tools), medium (festivals, travel), weak (quieter concerts, noisy public spaces) and total block (relax and sleep) filters. Three sizes of soft, flexible, medical-grade TPE ear tips ensure a secure, biocompatible fit. Re-use them as often as you like. HIFI SOUND QUALITY Enjoy high-fidelity sound with patented membrane technology. CHOOSE THE PROTECTION YOU NEED Select between 3 acoustic filters to reduce the sound volume to the right amount for your surroundings or use the full block filter for complete noise reduction. USE THEM IN ANY SITUATION Use these multipurpose earplugs to help protect your hearing anywhere including concerts, construction sites, at home, or at the office."
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